5 Easy Steps for a Monthly Goal Setting and Getting System


Systems are the key to repeated success in any business. For sales, we have our Simple Sharing System, but did you know we have a system for monthly goal setting and getting? 


First, we have tools to help. 


Download those 2 pdfs and let's put them to work on a repeatable monthly system. 

  1. EVALUATE: If you completed the Goal Setting and Evaluation form last month, then step one is to go to the form that you filled in with last months goals and do the evaluation steps at the end of that file (page 5). 
    • If this is your FIRST time to to complete the Goal Setting and Evaluation form, then skip this step and start with the next step. 
  2. SET GOALS: With a new Goal Setting and Evaluation form, complete all of page 1. 
  3. MAKE A PLAN: Grab your Weekly action plan and the completed evaluation from last month (if applicable) and on page 2, define the actions that you will commit to taking this month to reach your established goals 
  4. VICTOR MINDSET: Using page 3, take a minute to address any issues that may have gotten in the way in the past or may try to slow you down this month. Identify what they are or might be and make a plan to overcome them. 
  5. COMMIT: Using page 4, make a commitment plan. Share this with others as a form of accountability. 


Follow these tips for gaining maximum success. 

    • Share your goals and commitments with a peer or leader. Set up weekly checkin chats to have accountability conversations. 
    • Seek out a pacing partner - someone who has similar goals and level of commitment as you who will agree to weekly accountability chats. This partner will also be one you can celebrate the small wins with along the way. 
    • Set up or seek out an accountability group. This is an informal group of people who agree to chat weekly to discuss accountability goals and celebrate wins (small and large) 
  • POWER HOURS (or 1/2 hours)
    • Block out time on your calendar (aka: make appointments with yourself) when you will commit to doing focused actions on ONE type of action for  that 1 hour: 
      • Making as many customer care calls as you cann
      • Give focused attention to your follow up list and reach out to as many on the list as you can.
      • Checkin Calls with petPros on your team (those in Fast Start and/or petPros who are consistently active in their business)
      • etc... 
    • The Goal Setting form has a section (page 4) for committing to ways you will celebrate successes, both on the way to reaching goals and reaching goals. SET THEM AND DO THEM!
    • Celebrate with others: 
      • Small wins, have a celebration chat group or texting buddy
      • Big wins, don't be afraid to celebrate on social media 
        • "I did the hard work and look what happened...."
        • Pic of you doing a celebration activity (eating out, going to an event, vacation, spa, etc...) - "I work hard and I celebrate the wins





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