5 Self-Coaching Questions to Overcome Overwhelm

time management

Leadership isn't doing all the things for all the people.

It's learning to do the things that lead others to want to duplicate you. 

If you are overwhelmed, those you are leading see it and say to themselves "no thank you". Duplication failure. 

So let's talk about Overcoming Overwhelm!

When our time is being stretched thin, the natural response is to throw up our hands and say “It’s just too much. I can’t accomplish [fill in the blank] because I have too many things that need my time and attention.


When we point to the things that have filled up our time to the point of overwhelm and blame those things for our situation, we are surrendering to a victim mindset.


No one wakes up and says “Hey…I think today I’ll live with my hair on fire and give up on the things that are most important to me.”

Hair Fire or Heart Fire?

  • Hair fire days (weeks!) happen when we let go of our victim mindset about what gets a yes and what gets a no.

  • Heart fires are stoked when we take authority over what gets our yes and what gets our no.

There are a lot of great questions to ask yourself in hair fire / victim seasons, and helping people process those questions is one of my favorite things to do! To help right now, I’m sharing my favorite 5 starter questions that you can use to do some hair fire self coaching to get the fire back in your heart!




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