Compensation Guide

An overview of pawTree compensation paths

This page walks you through the following: 

  1. How and when commissions are deposited.
  2. An overview of the 3 sources of income provided in the pawTree compensation structure.
  3. An overview of the Sales commissions structure.
  4. Examples of income paths for sales only to reach income targets of $100, $200, $500, and $1,000.
  5. An overview of Team Building commissions structure
  6. Examples of income paths for both team and sales commissions to reach income targets of $200, $400, and $1,000.
  7. An overview of Leader level business development commission opportunities. 
  8. Extra Income: A quick overview of additional income for guiding Fast Start petPros. 
Jump to: Sales Income Overview
Jump to: Sales Income Examples
Jump to: Team Income Overview
Jump to: Team Income Examples
Jump to: Lead Income Overview
Jump to: Extra Income Overview


How & When Commissions are Deposited.


Commissions are run twice a month.

  • First run (deposited by the 23rd) is for activity between the 1st and the 15th. No cumulative based commissions are paid on this run.
  • Second run (deposited by the 8th) is for activity between the 16th and the end of the month, plus any accumulated commission qualifications  for the entire month, like RPB bonuses and team commissions.

These tables show exactly what is paid in each run. 

Commissions are deposited through your pawPay account. 

The pawPay Account is where the company deposits earned commissions. A petPro must set up their pawPay account for funds distribution to their desired financial institution or pawTree debit card.

Instructions to Set Up Your pawPay Account


Three Sources of Income

The petPro compensation plan offers three revenue streams: 

  1. Income from personal sales as a Seller
  2. Income from team sales as a Builder
  3. Income from business development as a Leader/Guide

Let's briefly explore each, and then we can explore examples of income paths to guide you in the right direction. 

Download the Compensation PDF

Sales Income Overview

As a petPro, you are never required to sponsor or build a team to reach maximum compensation levels for sales. This compensation is a great income stream for those who align with affiliate or influencer marketing as well as selling at vendor events.

To learn more about building this kind of business, take a minute to review this guide for Seller Business Types. 


Sales Commissions Structure

When you sell product, you are paid commissions in the following 3 ways:

  1. Base commissions - all petPros earn 15% of all sales. 
  2. Retail Power Bonus [RPB] commissions - when your total sales for the month reach specific tiers and requirements, you are paid additional commissions on top of the base 15%. 
    • RPB qualification - must have at least $100 in sales from first time customers (new sales) to qualify for RPB tiers.
    • RPB tiers / %:
      • When total sales for the calendar month = $500-$999.99, you are paid an additional 5% on top of base commissions

      • When total sales for the calendar month = $1,000-$1,999.99, you are paid an additional 10% on top of base commissions

      • When total sales for the calendar month = $2,000 or more, you are paid an additional 15% on top of base commissions

  3. First time customer bonus - when a new customer places their very first order with pawTree, you are paid an additional 15% for that sale on top of base commissions and any RPB commissions earned.


The Math:

Base Commissions + RPB + New Customer Bonuses

Using the 3 forms of commission available, [base + RPB + new customer bonus] - here's how the pay structure works: 

If your total sales for the month are less than $500...

If your total sales for the month are $500-$999

and at least $100 of it is from new customer orders...

If your total sales for the month are $1,000-$1,999

and at least $100 of it is from new customer orders...

If your total sales for the month are $2,000 or more

and at least $100 of it is from new customer orders...

Customer Order Types

Here are the various customer and order types that will contribute to your sales income. 

  • Single Order Customers - A customer who places a single order without setting it up as a recurring EZ Ship order.
  • Recurring Customers - people who continue to purchase products after their initial purchase from you.
    • These sales occur in 2 ways:
      • EZ Ship Orders: They sign up to receive an order on a recurring basis. We call these customers Paw Club members.
      • Single Orders: They occasionally come back to buy more of the same products or try new products.
  • New Customers - people you introduce to pawTree products who have never purchased them in the past.
    • New customer sales may be a single order or a first time EZ Ship order. 

Sales Income Examples

Let's Take a Look at What Kind of Sales will Generate $100-1,000 a Month in Income. 

This table reflects income potential from SALES ONLY. 

When considering sales required to reach your desired income level each month, think of it as number of customers needed to reach that sales goal.

Statistically, the average first time order for a new customer at pawTree is around $100. Example: 

  • $500 in sales is an average of 5 new customers in a month
  • $1,000 in sales is an average of 10 new customers in a month.

NOTE: These are average new customer statistics. This means that some new customer orders will be much less than $100 and some may be more. Plan your sales goals with this in mind.

NEW CUSTOMER GUIDE: Grab some tips here for reaching new customer sales with $100 average first orders.

Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort.  The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure (link to disclosure below)

Team Building Income Overview

For the petPro who's ready to invite others to experience the benefits of a pawTree income stream, you have the opportunity to access an additional income path.

To learn more about building this kind of business, take a minute to review this guide for Builder Business Types

Compensation from team sales is determined by the compensation title you've achieved.

The base level titles for team builder income include: 

  • Sr. petPro
  • Director
  • Sr. Director
  • Ex. Director

More advanced compensation titles are covered in the section of training for business development income.


Builder Commission Structure

As a builder, in addition to your sales commissions you can earn additional income in 3 ways: 

  1. Product Pack Bonuses: When you enroll a new petPro who chooses to start with a product pack, you earn a bonus for the sale of that product pack:
    • $50 for the Basic or Build Your Own Product Packs
    • $75 for the Ultimate Product Pack
  2. Personal Team Commissions: As your team begins to earn income from their personal sales, you earn additional commissions based on their personal sales volumes
  3. Overall Team Commissions: As your team begins to sponsor and build their own team,  you earn additional commissions based on the sales of those teams.
Download a Product Pack Payout Cheat Sheet

Team Building Income Examples

Let's Take a Look at Some Examples of Ways to Generate $200-1,000 a Month in Income with BOTH Sales & Team Building. 

This table does NOT reflect income potential from team sales, only personal sales and product pack bonuses.

Team sales commissions would be in addition to these examples. 

Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort.  The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure (link to disclosure below). 

Business Development 

Income Overview

As a petPro continues to build a customer base and a petPro team, it's possible to reach higher levels of compensation as a LEADER / GUIDE. We call this business development. 

To learn more about building this kind of business, take a minute to review this guide for the Leader / Guide business type. 

Compensation from business development team sales is determined by the compensation title you've achieved.

The leader level titles include: 

  • Vice President
  • 1 Star Vice President
  • 2 Star Vice President
  • 3 Star Vice President


Leader [Business Development] Commission Structure

As a leader, you're developing a business structure that brings deeper team commissions. In addition to your sales commissions you can earn additional income in 3 ways: 

  1. Product Pack Bonuses: When you enroll a new petPro who chooses to start with a product pack, you earn a bonus for the sale of that product pack:
    • $50 for the Basic or Build Your Own Product Packs
    • $75 for the Ultimate Product Pack
  2. Personal Team Commissions: This is the same payout structure as defined under builder commissions. You earn additional commissions based on their personal sales volumes
  3. Overall Team Commissions: As your business grows, your team buildes their own teams.  As a leader, you earn additional commissions deeper into your organization based on the sales of those teams.


Additional Income Source

For petPros who desire to sponsor others and build a team, you have an additional income stream available to you through the Fast Start Program. 

  1. Title Advancement Bonuses: Each month that a petPro you've personally sponsored advances to a title of Sr. petPro through Director while they are in their Fast Start period, you earn a matching bonus. 
  2. New Sales Bonuses: Each month that a petPro you've personally sponsored reaches specific New Sales tiers and earns a cash dash bonus while they are in their Fast Start period, you earn a matching bonus. 

There is no cap on the number of matching bonuses you can earn each month for the achievements of the petPros you personally sponsor while they are in their Fast Start period. The more you support and guide them to achieve their sales and advancement goals, the higher your matching income can grow.

NOTE: Qualification requirements apply. Review the specific documents in the Fast Start Guide for details and clarity.

Review the Fast Start Guide
Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort. The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure.
Income Disclosure PDF