The Builder's Guide

& 30/60/90 Day Road Map

Do I belong?

Do I fit?

Do I have what I need to succeed? 

At pawTree, we know that every new petPro is asking these very questions and we want you to know...

  • Yes... you belong here! We're a community of people who love pets and their people. We know you do too, so WELCOME!
  • Yes... you fit! At pawTree, there isn't just ONE WAY to fit into our business community. If you've landed here, chances are you identify with the Builder Business Model.
  • Yes... you have what you need! We're committed to empowering every petPro with the tools, resources, and skill-building information you need. 
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Understanding the Builder

A Builder business type is passionate about the product AND aspires to build a team of other motivated petPros. They often start with a vision of around $500 a month in sales income but aspire to $1,000 a month or more. They see this business as a side gig and may closely relate to the term affiliate or influencer.  


A builder understands the power of conversations via social media and person-to-person marketing and is excited to engage with people who want better for their pets and better for their personal lifestyle. A Builder may also aspire to grow into a Leader/Guide business type

What Does a Builder Do?

Using a series of relationship-building conversations, grow your income by

  1. Sharing products that meet the needs of pets
  2. Sharing the business to help others decide if they'd like to do what you do. 
Jump Ahead to a 30-60-90 Day Road Map

Expand Your


  • Start conversations with people who love pets.
    • Social Media: ask questions that help you find people with pets and people who are looking for extra income.
    • In Person: strike up conversations with people to find out if they have pets. Listen for clues that extra income might help. 
  • Create relationships with conversations that connect you with them.
    • Social Media: when people comment on your connection posts, engage with them to start building a relationship.
    • In Person: as you strike up conversations with people who have pets, ask questions that get them talking about their pets.
  • Connect with what matters to them and move your relationship to the next step.  











Expand Your 


  • Use conversations to learn what matters to them. 
    • Social Media: ask questions that get people to share the things that their pets struggle with. Even better, share your pet issue stories and ask others to share theirs. Include posts with questions that will engage you with people looking for some income options.
    • In Person: as you connect with new pet people, move the conversations along by asking questions that help you learn how they might want to do better for their pet or themselves. Share your personal stories to build the relationship. 
  • Expand the relationship with conversations that guide them to the information you have that they are seeking.
    • Social Media: If it hasn't happened already, move public posted conversations into private conversations via messaging or texts. Begin to guide the conversations toward solution information (sharing videos/introducing the Pet Profile)
    • In Person: As you learn more about their pets, it will be a natural process to share videos, product ideas, and/or introduce the Pet Profile.
  • Guide your relationship to the next step. 



Expand Your 


  • Use conversations to have an impact on the life of pets and their people.
    • Social Media: at this point, the conversation has moved from a public platform to a private conversation.
    • In Person: this is when the conversations enter into the 'impact zone'. Up to this point, the conversations have been focused on building a relationship with you as their trusted 'pet guide' or 'opportunity mentor'. They are waiting for you to guide them into an action that will make a difference to their life and pets. 
  • Bring relationships to the next level with conversations that show you care!
    • Social Media: if your conversations have not moved to a 1:1 level yet, it's time! Invite them to jump on a text or DM with you. Better yet, invite them to do a video chat with you so you can guide them through a Pet Profile or the 'join us' page!
    • In Person: whether you are talking face-to-face or via phone or a messaging platform, at this point, it's not about asking them to buy something, it's about getting 1:1 with them to find the solutions that will have an impact—make a difference. The best way to do this is to walk through a Pet Profile or the Join Us web page with them. 
  • Invite them to experience the pawTree difference.

Building Relationships with Personally Enrolled petPros

Once new petPros join you in doing what you do, a Builder nurtures the new petPro relationship and guides them on how to launch and develop their own business. 


Social Selling or In Person?

BOTH! Building relationships with conversations can be done both on social media and in person. 

Learn More About Building Relationships with Conversations

Reaching Income Goals 

Reaching your income goals through building is achieved by earning product bonuses and commissions from your team's sales. 

  • Product Pack bonuses are earned when a person you invite to become a petPro enrolls with one of our Product Pack options. 
  • Team commissions come from a percentage of sales gathered by people you enroll on your Level 1 and Level 2.

Reaching your income goals through sales is achieved by earning sales commissions for both New Customers and Recurring Customers. 

  • New Customers - people you introduce to pawTree products who have never purchased them in the past
  • Recurring Customers - people who continue to purchase products after their initial purchase from you. These sales occur in 2 ways:
    • Single Orders: They occasionally come back to buy more of the same products or try new products. 
    • EZ Ship Orders: They sign up to receive an order on a recurring basis. 
Find More Compensation Training Here

Increasing Income from Team Building

  • Team building income starts with enrollment. When someone you invite to join you as a petPro chooses to enroll with a Product Pack, you will earn a bonus.
  • As your team grows, you will advance to new titles. This is when Team commissions begin. 
    • As you invite people to join you as a petPro, this builds your team on your Level 1. 
    • As people on your Level 1 decide to invite others, they will populate petPros on your Level 2.
    • Team commissions come from a percentage of sales gathered by people you enroll on your Level 1 and Level 2.
  • The % of sales on these 2 levels is based on the titles you advance to. 
    • Titles are reached based on a combination of personal sales volumes, petPro count on your team, and sales volume from your team.

A 30-60-90 Day Road Map

While growing your pawTree business requires time and commitment, it does not have to be complicated. Whether you're looking for a few hundred dollars a month as a side gig income, or something more significant, consistent focused action is the key to success and results.  

Look through the training tips below for creating 30-60-90 day consistency habits. 

Printable 30/60/90 Day Road Map


The most common stumbling blocks for success with a business include: 

  1. Giving too much time to activities that will not deliver results ('busy' work)
  2. Lack of consistency 
  3. Expecting a single post here and there to generate results

This 30-60-90 day road map provides a simplified path to keep you focused on the actions that will deliver results. 

1st Calendar Month

Your 30-60-90 day road map is all about creating habits and being consistent. For the first calendar month map, we'll provide some additional instruction to equip you with healthy success habits.



Right Away:

  • Create a Connection List: The purpose of this list is to keep you focused on the people you want to build relationships with by having conversations about solving issues. It's a list that's never completed. It's always growing as you expand your circle of influence.  The goal is to have at least 100 people or more on the list at all times.
    • Paper or Electronic? Whatever you will use!
    • Three rules: 
Tips for Creating a Strong Connection List
Connection List Template
  • Block time for your business: Give your business focused attention, even if it's a part-time or a small-time side gig. Without intentional attention, your pawTree business will never get off the ground. Instead, it will be a hobby that gets your attention here and there. 
    • Time blocking, even if just one day a week, nurtures consistency—a VITAL part of business growth.
    • Where in your week can you schedule 30-60 minutes to focus on conversations to build relationships? 
      • Whether these conversations are calls, messaging, creating social posts, or answering social posts, you have to block time to give them attention or they will never happen consistently.
  • Create a 15 minute list: There are a lot of things you can do in 15 minutes. The key is to have them top of mind when those 15 minute time slots open up. 
    • Using your Connection List, make note of the relationship-building conversations that you can do each time you find yourself with 15 minutes of waiting time, down time, or in-between time! 
      • Responding to comments on recent conversation posts. 
      • Following up to recent messages, sharing answers or a video,  or setting up a time to go through a Pet Profile.
      • Sharing a post on one of your social platforms.
      • Making a follow-up phone call. 
      • Have a check-in call with a new petPro.

2 Days a Week:

  • Start some connecting conversations on Social Media: If you plan to use social media as part of your business strategy, use connecting questions from the Conversations Cheat Sheet to engage with people who have pets or are seeking a side income idea. 
    • Connect the questions with personal experience and share personal stories about your pets.
    • Respond! Imagine being at a backyard BBQ and someone just answered your question about their pet. Respond to their comment as you would in real life. An emoji 'like' is nice, but it won't build a relationship. 
    • As you get engagement on your social post, add these new people to your connection list, so you can track the growth of the relationship.
  • Share some guiding information on Social Media: This isn't about posting about product and the business, it's about posting tips and info that people will find helpful. 
    • Look through pawTree blogs to find tips that interest you. Grab a quote from it and share it. 
      • I was today years old when I learned that... 
      • I can totally relate to this issue and this tip has really helped...


Grab Some Posting Help...

Download a Top 10 Launch Posts Cheat Sheet
Conversation Cheat Sheet for Post Inspiration
Download a Portrait Posting Template
Download a Square Posting Template
DFY - Conversation Posts (portrait)
DFY - Conversation Posts (square)


  • Have 1:1 conversations: Using your connection list, work on building relationships to find the people you can help. 
    • Every week, highlight at least 10+ people for relationship building. Be intentional in your engagement, moving from connecting conversations to guiding conversations, and then to inviting conversations. The more conversations you have, the more results you can expect. Not every conversation will result in a new customer. The key is to be consistent about building relationships. 
    • Texting/Messaging: If your conversation started on a public social post, move to messaging to learn more about their pets. If your connection prefers texting, keep the conversation moving. In both instances, the goal is to invite them to a video chat for a Pet Profile consultation as soon as they express interest in knowing more about doing better for their pet. 
    • In person: initial connections that happen in person may not naturally move into guiding or inviting right away. Use good judgment, but set follow-up expectations like - asking to text information and follow-up/scheduling a video chat/etc... 
Tips for Helping New Customers
Tips for Enrolling New petPros
  • Consider 3-way conversations: 
    • Need some 3rd party validation? If it's a fit, schedule video chats or calls with you, your prospect, and a peer or upline to go over questions or take the next step.
  • Schedule and hold check-in calls with new petPros:
    • Reach out to all recently enrolled petPros via phone, messaging, or text and set up 15 minute check-in calls to answer questions and be a trusted guide as they launch their pawTree business.
  • Update your Connection List: 
    • Take a look at your connection list and make updates to the relationship-building status:
      • Who needs a first-time connection? Identify your top 10 for this week.
      • Who is ready for some guiding conversations? Schedule time to engage with them. 
      • Who needs an invitation? Who have you been circling with guiding and connecting conversations? Invite them to take a look at the Pet Profile with you. 

2nd Calendar Month

Let's keep building on the success habits you started in month 1. Remember, this is a business of simple consistency. If you followed last month's road map, you engaged in some relationship-building conversations. The only difference this month is that you're building on the activity habits from last month. 

You'll notice 1 new monthly habit - customer care. It's simply a conversation to keep the relationship intact.


Right Away:

  • Review and update your Connection List:
    • Who are your hot new connections? 
    • Who needs information from you?
    • Who is WAITING for an invitation? 
Try This Memory Jogger to Inspire a Growing List
  • Set Conversation Goals: 
    • How many new connecting conversations do you want to have this month?
    • How many people do you want to engage with and guide to information that will help them and their pets? 
    • How many pets and their people do you want to have an impact with by inviting them to try what can make a difference?
  • Block time for your business: Continue to be intentional about giving time to your side gig goals.
    • Notice that you'll want to schedule time for caring conversations to check in with your new and past customers this month. 
    • You'll also want to schedule a time to guide new petPros you enrolled last month.
    • These can usually be accomplished in 30 minutes a month if you're just getting started, and up to 60 minutes a month as your customer list grows. 
  • Create a 15 minute list: Revisit your 15 minute list from last month and make any additions or adjustments needed. 

2 Days a Week:

  • Start some connecting conversations on Social Media: If you feel like this is a repeat of month 1, it is! This business does NOT have to be complicated... just consistent! As a reminder:
    • Use conversation starters from the Conversation Cheat Sheet to spark new relationships.
    • Respond! Build the relationship with 'I hear you' responses.
    • Add new connections to your Connection List. Use your Connection List as your business-building cheat sheet! 
  • Share some guiding information on Social Media: Keep providing helpful information that pet parents and entrepreneurially-minded people can use.
    • You will become a trusted source for pet information.
    • You will attract others like you looking for side income.
    • You will see increased engagement as trust is built.


  • Have 1:1 conversations: Again, this is a business of consistency - not inventing new ways to do business every week.
    • Every week, highlight at least 10+ people for relationship building. The key is to be consistent about building relationships. 
    • Texting/Messaging: If your conversation started on a public social post, move to messaging to learn more about their pets. If your connection prefers texting, keep the conversation moving. In both instances, the goal is to invite them to a video chat for a Pet Profile consultation as soon as they express interest in knowing more about doing better for their pet. 
    • In Person: initial connections that happen in person may not naturally move into guiding or inviting right away. Use good judgment, but set follow-up expectations like - asking to text information and follow-up/scheduling a video chat/etc... 
  • Consider 3-way conversations: 
    • If it's a fit, schedule video chats or calls with you, your prospect, and a peer or upline to go over questions or take the next step.
  • Schedule and hold check-in calls with new petPros:
    • Reach out to all recently enrolled petPros via phone, messaging, or text and set up 15 minute check-in calls to answer questions and be a trusted guide as they launch their pawTree business.
  • Update your Connection List: Take a look at your connection list and make updates to the relationship-building status:
    • Who needs a first-time connection? Identify your top 10 for this week.
    • Who is ready for some guiding conversations? Schedule time to engage with them. 
    • Who needs an invitation? Who have you been circling with guiding and connecting conversations? Invite them to take a look at the Pet Profile with you. 


  • Connect with past customers: Your first month was all about connecting with, guiding, and then inviting people to become your customers. This month, you'll want to schedule a block of time to create a habit of keeping that relationship healthy with some caring conversations. 
    • Recent first orders: Using your customer report (found in your petPro back office), look for customers who recently received their first order. Reach out via phone, messaging, or text to make sure all is well. 
      • If all is well, make sure they are set up to keep receiving the products their pets will need again. If they are not on an EZ Ship cycle, remind them of the perks and ask if you can help them get it set up. 
      • If there are questions, answer those you can and let them know you'll come back with an answer to those you cannot (then go to your petPro FAQs or customer support for help with the answer).
      • If there was a problem, hooray! You get to help them experience the pawTree perk of a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Help them get connected with customer support and home office will do the rest!

3rd Calendar Month

With 2 months of success habits down, this month is all about repeating those habits. Notice that the caring conversations habit is expanded now that you have 3 months of customer building.

TIP: If you're looking for increased results, increase your conversation goal. The more connections you make and relationships you build, the more results you'll see.


Right Away:

  • Review and update your Connection List:
    • Who are your hot new connections? 
    • Who needs information from you?
    • Who is WAITING for an invitation? 
  • Set Conversation Goals: If you're ready to increase results, increase this goal.
    • How many new connecting conversations do you want to have this month? 
    • How many people do you want to engage with and guide to information that will help them and their pets? 
    • How many pets and their people do you want to have an impact with by inviting them to try what can make a difference?
  • Block time for your business: Time for:
    • Connecting conversations
    • Guiding conversations
    • Inviting conversations and Pet Profile consultations
    • Caring conversations with current and past customers
    • Check-in conversations with newly enrolled petPros
  • Create a 15 minute list: Revisit your 15 minute list from last month and make any additions or adjustments needed. 

2 Days a Week:

  • Start some connecting conversations on Social Media: 
    • Use conversation starters from the Conversation Cheat Sheet to spark new relationships.
    • Respond! Build the relationship with 'I hear you' responses.
    • Add new connections to your Connection List. Use your Connection List as your business-building cheat sheet! 
  • Share some guiding information on Social Media: Keep providing helpful information that pet parents can use.
    • Grow your reputation as a trusted source for pet information.
    • Increase engagement as trust is built.



  • Have 1:1 conversations: 
    • Every week, highlight at least 10+ people for relationship building. 
    • Texting/Messaging: Who needs to move from a posted comment to a private relationship-building chat?
    • In Person: Continue to meet up with people at networking events, vendor fairs, and general life activities.
  • Schedule and hold check-in calls with new petPros:
    • Reach out to all recently enrolled petPros via phone, messaging, or text and set up 15 minute check-in calls to answer questions and be a trusted guide as they launch their pawTree business. 
  • Consider 3-way conversations: 
    • If it's a fit, schedule video chats or calls with you, your prospect, and a peer or upline to go over questions or take the next step.
  • Update your Connection List: 
    • Who needs a first-time connection? Identify your top 10 for this week.
    • Who is ready for some guiding conversations? Schedule time to engage with them. 
    • Who needs an invitation? Who have you been circling with guiding and connecting conversations? Invite them to take a look at the Pet Profile with you. 



  • Connect with past customers: Give time to some caring conversations. 
    • Recent first orders: Who recently received their first order? Reach out via phone, messaging, or text to make sure all is well.  If they have questions or need help with the satisfaction guarantee, have that caring conversation and build the relationship. 
    • 30/60 Day Customers: Who on your customer list ordered 30 days ago (or more) but have not placed another order? 
      • Reach out to see if they need help getting more of what their pets love or need. 
      • Remind them of the perks of putting an order on a recurring EZ Ship Cycle of their choice.
    • EZ Ship Customers: Check your reports for customers with EZ Ship orders scheduled to ship this month. Reach out and nurture the relationship: 
        • Do they still need the same items? 
        • Do they want to try a supplement solution that will solve an issue they haven't addressed yet?
        • Do they want to switch up their treat or pawPairing varieties?
Customer Care Conversation Guide
Grab a Printable Checklist for Your 30/60/90 and Beyond Road Map

Keep Building - the Next Level

As you advance to the title of Sr. Director and Executive Director, you’ll gain confidence in gathering new customers, and guiding new petPros. As a result, your new sales will increase, your recurring sales will grow, and your team growth will increase each month. You're on your way to VP!

Often, when a Builder has advanced to VP and learned to consistently grow their business with sales and team building, they are inspired to see their pawTree business as something more than a side gig income source and they begin to explore what it might look like to build at a different level. The Builder business type will then migrate to a Leader / Guide business type. Learn more about it here.

Opportunities don't happen.

You create them.

– Chris Grosser

Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort. The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure.
Income Disclosure PDF