The Guide for

Leaders & Guides

Understanding the Leader/Guide Business Type

The Leader/Guide is a petPro who has progressed from Builder (building a team of other petPros) to developing a business. As a Leader/Guide, your business consists of Sellers as well as multiple Builders who are growing a team of their own. The inspired Builders look to you for guidance and mentoring on their way to developing their business to Leader/Guide level. 

You’re ready to grow your income by sharing the pawTree products, sharing the business opportunity, and showing others how to build a pawTree business

You have developed a strong recurring customer base of EZ Ship customers and have built your business up to at least VP level or higher. Your income expectations have grown from a side gig income into a potential long-term solution to replace a current full-time income. The pace for reaching that income goal varies as it takes time to build teams to reach 5 figure a month income goals.*


This page touches on a variety of topics to understand the role of a Leader/Guide.

You can jump ahead to any of the sections as needed. 

Jump To Income Overview
Jump To Leader Road Map

What Does a Leader/Guide Do?

First and foremost, a Leader & Guide continues to invest time and attention in their personal business development.

  • Seller Activity:
    • Continue to build relationships with new people to keep customer growth going. 
    • Continue to nurture current customer relationships with caring conversations to establish a foundation of ongoing sales commissions. 
  • Builder Activity:
    • Continue to invite others to join you and build a personal line of Sellers and Builders. 

In addition, a Leader/Guide dedicates time to developing a larger-scale business to have a larger impact on their personal income goals. This is done by guiding and mentoring actively engaged Builders throughout their team on various levels.

  • Training: 
    • Monthly or weekly online group sessions to train tried and trusted business and skills. 
    • Guiding Builders to where training exists and following up with answers to questions. 
    • Be sure Builders know about key reports and how to use them.
      • Downline Report
      • Downline Title Report
      • Downline Volume Report
  • Coaching: 
    • Group and/or individual coaching time to help Builders and emerging Leaders/Guides with goal setting, action planning, and accountability.  
    • Whether 1:1 or in a group setting, the key questions for coaching time are
      • What are your goals?
      • What actions did you take to reach them last week?
      • What worked / what didn't work? 
      • If it didn't work, what training or guidance is needed?
      • What do you need to keep doing and what needs to be adjusted? 
      • What actions will you be taking this week to reach your goals? 
    • Stay focused on using the coaching time for the key questions. If additional training is needed, guide them to where it can be found and follow up with how they plan to use the training. Coaching time is also used for conversations about: 
      • Builder List - Who on their team has identified as a Builder? Help guide them with Builder identification conversations as needed. 
      • 3 or more Level 1 Sellers/Builders - Guide them to continue following the core business steps of a Builder.
      • Title Advancement - Teach them to use reports to identify those on their team approaching new titles and how to guide them. 
      • Help with setting realistic income and advancement goals that align with the time and attention they are able to give their business.

The Road Map

As a Leader/Guide, you grew your business following the Builders road map for success. Don't stop! Continue to follow that path layered with these monthly business development steps.

Leader/Guide Road Map Checklist

A Monthly Guide:

Remember, these daily / weekly / monthly steps are in addition to the daily / weekly / monthly steps on the Builder's road map. 

Right Away

  • Set and share your goals with your team at the first of the month and ask them to share theirs with you as well. 
    • Ask who would like accountability support from you. 
    • Give your focused support to the actively engaged Builders throughout your team and serious Sellers on your personal team. 
    • Guide your Builders to guide and support their personal Builders and Sellers.
  • In addition to setting personal goals as a Builder, identify business development goals to work towards: 
    • Title advancement: What's the next title you want to advance to?
      • Identify the sales volumes needed and the team legs/titles needed. 
      • Determine what is needed to grow from where you are to where you want to be.
      • Identify the Builders on your team who have set goals that align with your advancement goals. 
      • Set a reasonable time frame to accomplish this advancement goal. By setting a date, it gives you a sense of urgency and focused attention each month leading up to that date. 
  • Read all home office first-of-month communications to be aware of new and ongoing campaigns and special offers. 
    • Ask your team to do the same.
  • Consider if you want to layer a team incentive with any home office campaigns.
  • Block your calendar to hold space for the important business development work needed to reach your goals.

2 Days a Week

  •  Check in with your actively working Builders and emerging Leaders/Guides. This is as simple as texting them with a word of encouragement, an accountability check-in, or to celebrate accomplishments of the week. Block time in your weekly calendar to do this intentionally. Examples:  
    • Every Monday and Wednesday from 11–12, text my list of actively working Builders, Sellers, and emerging Leaders/Guides with a quick check-in message. 
    • 15 minute list: Use the downtimes, waiting times,  and in-between times in your days to pull out a list of people you want to touch with a text and work your way through it before the end of the week.


  • Communicate your availability for 3-way conversations. 
  • Host a weekly online Business Overview or bring guests to one that's being hosted by someone else.
    • Ask your Builders and emerging Leaders/Guides to do the same and meet you there.
  • Hold space for some coaching time. 
    • Block specific days/times in your week to hold for coaching sessions. Example:
      • Every Tuesday between 9 am & 10 am
      • Every Thursday between 7 pm and 9 pm
    • This is like setting 'office hours'. The amount of space to be held depends on the size of your team and your business development goals. At first, it's most likely 2ish hours a week. As your business grows, the time needed will grow accordingly.
    • With set office hours, you maintain balance in your work life versus responding to the time requests of others. When your blocked time just cannot align with those you want/need to connect with, find the next best time that works for both of you and adjust other blocked time accordingly.
    • Individual or Group: 
      • For your top-level builders and other leaders/guides in your team, you may want to dedicate 1:1 time with them. Typically, these sessions can be kept to 30 minutes when committed to staying focused and intentional with the time. 
      • For your other builders, consider group coaching time. The session goal is the same for everyone in the group, so bring them together to go through the key coaching topics all at once.
    • INVITE!
      • Reach out to the Builders you've identified as actively engaged and invite them to a weekly group session. 
      • Reach out to top Builders and Leaders/Guides in your team and invite them to schedule a 1:1 time with you.
  • Hold a weekly meeting for all members of your extended team, including your extended VP groups. Use this time to: 
    • Celebrate accomplishments
    • Inform them of company and/or team news
    • Train them on actions that get results.  
      • Use petPros to deliver training on topics that they are successful with.
  • When your team reaches a size that warrants it, host weekly leader meetings to: 
    • Celebrate at a more intimate level
    • Collaborate for team growth
    • Share success tips

NOTE: Weekly Leader meetings are not recommended until as a Leader/Guide, you have around 6 or more Leaders/Guides in your business.


  • Host a monthly meeting with your top Leaders. This is the monthly version of the weekly Leader/Guide meeting listed above. 
  • Recognition: Schedule/block time each month to pull your business reports and take time to do public recognition of your top achievers. 
    • Example: The second Monday of each month at 10 am - save 1 hour on your calendar for recognition reports.
Printable Monthly Road Map Checklist

A Few Additional Monthly Actions...

As a Leader/Guide, being visible in company-initiated events and social spaces is encouraged and desired. This helps build overall community which leads to overall team growth and retention. 

  • Aspiring Builders and Leaders/Guides want to see if others can do what they aspire to do. 
  • petPros are encouraged when they can see you actively engaged in the overall pawTree community.

Ways to do this include: 

  • Showing up for company online trainings as often as possible and engaging in the commenting platforms.
  • Inviting others to join you before and during the live sessions. 
  • Posting in the petPro social media group(s) with encouraging quotes, shared tips, and even things that you're currently overcoming. 
  • Commenting on social posts made by other petPros. Whether you believe it or not... as a Leader/Guide, your comments are very validating to aspiring petPros.
  • Volunteering to lead Home Office online training sessions. At the end of the day, petPros want to learn from the people who have had success with the things they are training.
  • Registering for all conferences and inviting your team to join you. 

Leader/Guide Income Potential

While pawTree cannot guarantee any income results, like any other business opportunity, your results depend on your own skills and personal effort. Let's take a look at how the compensation layers work together and how previous Leaders/Guides have met their income goals.

Setting Income Goals*

At this level of leadership, your income goals are met in 3 ways.

  1. By earning sales commissions:
    • This income is from both New Customers and Recurring Customers. 
      • New Customers - people you introduce pawTree products to who have never purchased them in the past
      • Recurring Customers - people who continue to purchase products after their initial purchase from you
  1. By earning Product Pack bonuses and team commissions:
    • Product Pack bonuses are earned when a person you invite to become a petPro enrolls with one of our Product Pack options.
    • Team commissions come from a percentage of sales gathered by people you enroll and the people enrolled by those in your downline.
  1. Organization Growth - Group Volume and Generation Overrides:
    • Your Group Volume Override is Personal Volume sales from everyone in your group, down to but not including any VPs beneath you. It goes to unlimited depth.
    • Generation One Override is a downline group that starts with the VP (or above) and it includes everyone below them, down to but not including the next Vice President.

While you can set specific action and result goals to hit targeted income levels in #1 and #2 above, income from #3 is more about steady growth and building income on top of income.

Common Five-figure A Month Practices

Based on company stats, what all 5 figure a month earners have in common is that they are sponsoring every month, gathering new customers every month, and all have at least 100 total EZ Ship customers! 

Let's look at some of their statistics:

  • They all have Personal Volume (or personal sales) between $7,500–$15,000.
  • Their Group Volume is between 40,000 and 75,000.
  • They have Downline Volume between 225,000 to 1.5 million. 
  • They have between 35-40 active legs, about 20 builder legs, and between 6 and 9 VP legs.
    • When you become a Leader/Guide, this takes care of itself! 
  • They have between 1 and 5 Star Legs. 
  • They have between 138 and 1,800 selling petPros. 
    • By selling petPro, we mean a petPro that has any PV at all. 
  • Their Generation Bonus Income is between 25–50% of their total income. 

Remember, these statistics are pulled from Leaders/Guides who are already making 5 figures a month. Staying focused on the actions required and consistent with your commitment to your business month after month, you will see your income grow. Take this information, set some goals, and set some targets of your own. We're cheering you on!

Find a full training on building a business to a 5 figure a month income here in pawTree University.  

*Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity. The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort. The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure.
Income Disclosure PDF