Pet Profile Training Guide


Intro To the Pet Profile

The Pet Profile is a valuable resource that enables you to offer personalized product recommendations without needing extensive expertise. It guides pet owners through a series of questions about their pets’ health and behavior, identifying potential issues they might not even be aware of, such as excessive itching or gas. By highlighting these concerns, the Pet Profile helps petPros present tailored solutions, increasing the likelihood of customer satisfaction and sales.

Watch Roger Morgan, Founder & CEO of pawTree, and experienced petPros share how this tool simplifies the process of recommending pet products!



It's the Expert, So You Don't Have To Be!

The Pet Profile not only provides customized product recommendations for pets but also serves as an educational resource for both petPros and customers. It explains the reasons behind each product suggestion, such as why Gastro Pro Plus might be recommended for a specific issue, which helps build confidence in the solutions provided. As you guide your customers through the Pet Profile, you’ll also be learning more about the products and their benefits.

The Pet Profile allows you to feel knowledgeable without needing prior expertise.  This also aids in duplicating success, enabling you to train new petPros by demonstrating how simple and effective the tool is for identifying the right products.



Use It To Learn It

Use the Pet Profile tool to familiarize yourself with product recommendations and how the system works. Experiment with it by setting up different profiles for various dogs, breeds, ages, weights, and health issues. This will help you understand the range of recommendations and will help you build confidence in using this tool.



Inviting Others to Complete a Pet Profile

The Pet Profile is a powerful tool for inviting potential customers to engage with personalized pet care. In this video, Alex shares the effective strategy of using social media to direct people to the Pet Profile, offering a free customized pet nutrition plan. People enjoy talking about their pets and filling out quizzes, making this an easy way to capture leads.

Even if they're not ready to buy right away, the Pet Profile allows petPros to build a contact list for future follow-ups. Over time, through drip campaigns and continued engagement, these leads often convert into customers.



It's Customized Nutrition For the Life Of Your Pet!

The Pet Profile offers a customized approach to pet nutrition, making it an ideal tool for engaging new pet owners, especially those with puppies. In this video, Kathleen emphasizes the importance of guiding customers through the process by framing the Pet Profile as a comprehensive health assessment that not only recommends food but also provides guidelines on portion sizes and supplements.

As puppies grow, their nutritional needs change and the profile can be updated accordingly. This personalized and adaptable approach helps build long-term relationships with customers by offering ongoing support for their pets' health.



Best Practices

When using the Pet Profile, it's important to decide whether to fill it out with the customer or let them complete it on their own. Sitting down with a customer—whether in person or via Zoom—dramatically increases the chances of making a sale, as you can guide them through the process and answer questions in real time. However, not all customers have the time or willingness to schedule a meeting. In those cases, sharing a link for them to fill out independently and following up afterward can still be effective.



Inviting Others to Complete a Pet Profile (Part 2)

When inviting someone to fill out the Pet Profile, it’s important to engage them by asking meaningful questions about their pet’s issues and showing genuine interest in their concerns.

In this video, Joie suggests emphasizing the tool’s value by explaining that it’s designed by veterinarians and nutritionists to provide a customized nutrition plan, helping to resolve specific concerns like allergies. Aimee highlights the importance of building trust by asking detailed questions before offering the Pet Profile, making the customer feel cared for. By doing this, petPros can guide potential customers toward the Pet Profile while demonstrating expertise without needing to be experts themselves.



The Pet Profile Is Good For Everyone!

The Pet Profile is valuable for ALL pet owners, even those who believe their pets don’t have major issues. As people start using this tool, they often realize that common problems like bad gas, excessive shedding, or smelly breath—things they assumed were normal—can actually be addressed with simple solutions. This tool highlights concerns pet owners may not have recognized as treatable, making it useful for both pets with apparent problems and those whose owners have just been living with small annoyances.



Pet Reset

In this video, Roger discusses the pawTree Pet Reset, a method designed to help pet owners resolve ongoing issues with their pets, particularly those related to health and nutrition.

To participate in the Pet Reset:

  1. Encourage owners frustrated by their pet’s challenges to complete a Pet Profile.
  2. Have them exclusively use pawTree products for at least 30-90 days to see results, as nutrition is often the root cause of many pet problems.
    • If the solution doesn’t work, pawTree offers a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.


Guiding the Pet Food Recommendations

While some people may have strong opinions about their current pet food, it’s important to gauge their openness to change. If owners are satisfied with their current food, it’s best to respect that and move forward with other parts of the Pet Profile, like supplements.

pawTree food is very nutritionally dense and often requires less food per serving, which makes it more cost-effective over time. When introducing pawTree food to someone, a great tip is to break down the cost per day to show affordability and highlight that using quality food can lead to better pet health and fewer vet visits.



Guiding Supplement Recommendations

In this video, you are shown how to guide pet owners through supplement recommendations using the Pet Profile. The key is identifying the primary issue the pet is facing, such as itchy skin, and asking the owner questions to understand how the problem affects their life. Once you understand how the issue affects their life, you can ask the magic question: “If I can help you solve that issue today, would that be something you’re open to trying?”



Helping Customers Get the Best Experience

In this video, you'll learn how to help customers make the most of their shopping experience by highlighting offers like discounts, free shipping, and a 90-day money-back guarantee. The goal is to connect with customers naturally, address their pet's main issues, and offer tailored solutions. By doing this, you can guide them to try more products and take advantage of savings, all while ensuring they feel confident knowing they can return items if they're not satisfied. It’s all about making the process easy, personal, and beneficial for both the customer and their pets.



Master the Pet Profile For Lasting Results

It’s time to start using the Pet Profile to make your interactions with customers more effective! Don’t get overwhelmed with all of the tips; choose a couple and put them into practice. The Pet Profile helps you engage pet owners, understand their needs, and recommend the right products, leading to more sales and happier pets. As you get more comfortable with it, you'll see how it not only benefits your customers but also positively impacts your own success and earnings.



Disclaimer: pawTree makes no promises or guarantees regarding earning additional income or any other earnings opportunity.  The success or failure of each petPro, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort. The financial results of all petPros for the preceding year under the existing compensation plan are contained in the pawTree Income Disclosure.
Income Disclosure PDF